Office furniture manufacturing in Montreal, Eastern Townships and throughout Quebec

Get unique office equipment designed by experienced cabinetmakers

Whether you’re self-employed, a company director or the head of an institution, you all have the same need: office furniture that’s adapted to your activity. The best solution is to have it custom-made by a local company and encourage the local economy.

Whether you want a reception desk, desks for your employees, computer furniture, waiting room chairs and armchairs, bookcases or a unique conference table, we can do it for you.

You can choose from an infinite selection of laminates, melamine or wood species to create custom-made furniture entirely adapted to your taste and budget. What’s more, you’ll be able to preview them using our computer-aided design tool.

Que vous vouliez un poste de réception, des bureaux pour vos employés, des meubles pour ordinateur,  des fauteuils et des chaises de salle d’attente, des bibliothèques ou bien une table de conférence unique, nous pouvons le faire pour vous.

Vous pourrez choisir parmi une sélection infinie de stratifiés, de mélamines ou d’essence de bois pour obtenir des meubles sur mesure entièrement adaptés à vos goûts et à vos budgets. En plus, vous pourrez les prévisualiser grâce à notre outil de conception par ordinateur.

Entrust your office furnishings to an experienced team

Looking for a Quebec furniture manufacturer to design or repair your office furniture? Mobilier MA is the company for you!

Based in Magog, near Sherbrooke, we offer our services in Montreal, the Eastern Townships and throughout Quebec.

For information or quotations, we can be reached by telephone on (819) 868-9339, or by e-mail via the form on our contact page.